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Trade routes on the way to be re-established

16 Ziua 1,249, 05:15 Publicat în South Korea South Korea Analiză militară Analiză militară

On day 1219 trade routes were implemented in E-Republik, meaning that for a country to benefit the bonuses given by their regions, all regions must be connected to the capital.

In that moment, our capital Jeju remained isolated for the rest of

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[Prizes]Why do we play E-Republik?

11 Ziua 1,245, 14:32 Publicat în South Korea South Korea Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

More than a drug, E-Republik keeps us here like some sort of virtual glue! I tried to find out Why do we play E-Republik?. No matter the reason, be it a survival

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[Contest]Why do you play E-Republik?

33 Ziua 1,242, 01:55 Publicat în South Korea South Korea Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

There are many goals in E-Republik to be achieved, some play E-Republik for the military module, some for politics, some for getting friends and others for boredom.

Now everybody has a different story and a different motivation. Why do you

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South Korea Army Stats - Day 1231-1237

14 Ziua 1,238, 16:12 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

These are the results for the South Korean soldiers and civilians for the last week:

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7 resons to continue! Vote CLOPOYAUR!

25 Ziua 1,232, 00:04 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

1. Economy has recovered.

In the last month the number of active companies has doubled in South Korea, rising from around 150 to over 275. After we were wiped out from the map wages have risen slowly but steadily reaching today a level … citește în continuare »