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Monumental Newspaper

[EDEN] Who To Vote For

65 Dia 1,048, 11:16 Publicado em Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Who To Vote For!

Though in many countries a presidential election brings domestic debate, possible reform and the prospect of change, in others it brings another storm ler mais »

[EDEN] Media Mogul Scheme

42 Dia 1,047, 10:15 Publicado em Poland Poland

EDEN’s Media Mogul Scheme

Greetings from EDEN,
Our Media Mogul Scheme is now in full effect. Articles promoting the participants will be published every Sunday and
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To My Brothers In Greece

109 Dia 1,041, 14:22 Publicado em Greece Greece

I’m going to keep this short, I want to state this aloud for all of EDEN, not only for the Government of Greece. A few of your countrymen, my allies, have taken an … ler mais »

[EDEN] The New HQ

60 Dia 1,041, 11:06 Publicado em Poland Poland

Greetings to the citizens of EDEN,
Today we are very pleased to publicly announce our new HQ. The past couple of days have been composed of discussion, debate and determination and
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[EDEN] The New HQ

56 Dia 1,041, 11:03 Publicado em Croatia Croatia

Greetings to the citizens of EDEN,
Today we are very pleased to publicly announce our new HQ. The past couple of days have been composed of discussion, debate and determination and
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