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Monumental Newspaper

[EDEN] The New HQ

45 Dia 1,041, 11:00 Publicado em Australia Australia

Greetings to the citizens of EDEN,
Today we are very pleased to publicly announce our new HQ. The past couple of days have been composed of discussion, debate and determination and
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[EDEN]Media Mogul Scheme: Round One

44 Dia 1,034, 11:39 Publicado em USA USA

EDEN’s Media Mogul Scheme

Greetings from EDEN. Round one of our Media Mogul Scheme has been finalised! We thank all participants and wish them the best of luck in ler mais »

[EDEN]Summary of the Rising period

173 Dia 1,030, 11:29 Publicado em Croatia Croatia

It’s been a while since the new version of the game, Rising was mounted, and we decided it’s time for a short outline of this stage. There were hard times for all of us, maybe the hardest of all. Some of us left the game, due to the bugs or the

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EDEN media mogul campaign

54 Dia 1,027, 10:45 Publicado em Canada Canada

EDEN’s Media Mogul Scheme

We at EDEN are always searching for ways to assist the many aspirations our followers have. So, starting next week we will be endorsing a ler mais »

A new hope

135 Dia 1,023, 17:03 Publicado em Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

EDEN was there when China had to defend Jilin and Inner Mongolia, we where there when it came down to the wire with Croatia, and now it was Bosnia and Herzegovina’s turn to know that EDEN will always be there for them. We are more than proud to

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