[EDEN] The New HQ

Day 1,041, 11:03 Published in Croatia Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

Greetings to the citizens of EDEN,
Today we are very pleased to publicly announce our new HQ. The past couple of days have been composed of discussion, debate and determination and the outcome is a group made up of highly dedicated leaders, focused on bringing you a term of excitement and victory. Before we officially unveil the HQ we would like to sincerely thank alpho and his team for the hard work they put in last term, alpho we salute you.

“…be the change you want to see in the World”


Lavanche Supreme Commander
Ariakis Asst. Supreme Commander
Petsku Military Organizer
romper aMilitary Organizer
wangxiaoyaii aMilitary Organizer
Durru Economic Organizer
Himzo_Cetvrtina aEconomic Organizer
arcadia aEconomic Organizer
Rod Damon ISD
Sirbeg aISD
- Public Relations
CelticTiger211 Assistant Public Relations

A new term, full of ambition, drive and momentum. We strive to do EDEN proud!

EDEN would like to thank all offending participants for their courageous efforts in Liaoning last week. It truly was a fierce fight, that rewrote the history books, full of blood and sweat and fatigue. What came down to a scrap fight started as a well organised, strategic invasion and though we were bested, we assure you we shall regroup, with each fight our friendship and alliance prospers. Thank you to all the soldiers who truly gave Phoenix a run for their money.

Lastly, the EDEN media team is looking for talented writers to join us! All applicants must bare citizenship from an EDEN state or EDEN friendly state. If you are interested please contact The Tiger, telling him what you would bring to the EDEN team!

Round 3 of our Media Mogul Scheme will continue later this week, all new entries from Round II will be reviewed in the next few days!


And our new HQ.

Hail EDEN, forever!