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Monumental Newspaper

[EDEN] Media Mogul Scheme

28 Dia 1,056, 10:12 Publicado em Sweden Sweden

Greetings citizens of Sweden, EDEN’s media mogul campaign is currently in effect!
Please take a minute to subscribe to the following newspapers

[url=http://www.erepublik. … ler mais »

[EDEN] Together Towards Conquests and Entertainment

122 Dia 1,054, 07:48 Publicado em Romania Romania

In the recent weeks, the game admins have made a lot of changes; the biggest is undoubtedly the new rules regarding alliances and how they work. Only a day after the new system was launched, a fireworks of new battles could be seen all over the

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[EDEN] Media Mogul Scheme

32 Dia 1,052, 13:27 Publicado em Spain Spain

Greetings citizens of Spain, EDEN’s media mogul campaign is currently in effect!
Please take a minute to subscribe to the following newspapers

[url=http://www.erepublik. … ler mais »

[EDEN] Our Better Is Better Than Your Better

156 Dia 1,051, 14:36 Publicado em Italy Italy

Our Better Is Better Than Your Better

Today is another great day!
Our alliance has graced new blood! A new ally has been welcomed into EDEN and with her our family has grown ever stronger. It is with great pleasure that I can
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[EDEN] Sweetest Victory!

216 Dia 1,049, 13:29 Publicado em China China

Sweetest Victory!

Need some tunes?


Citizens of EDEN, vast in this glory.
This is our day, this is
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