To My Brothers In Greece

Day 1,041, 14:22 Published in Greece Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

I’m going to keep this short, I want to state this aloud for all of EDEN, not only for the Government of Greece. A few of your countrymen, my allies, have taken an observation and complained about the lack of Greeks in HQ.

Firstly EDEN HQ directly serves the Presidential council. The Presidential Council is responsible for debating the future terms objectives, it is HQ’s responsibility to ensure that these objectives are met. HQ co-ordinate the strategy over looked by each nations President, HQ raises gold, organises troops, opens talks with diplomats and so forth.

HQ is not about nationality, we are not about the domestic policies of our member states. The citizens of HQ do not work for their countries, they work for the alliance. It is each country’s president that represent their country and all countries have 1 vote, so every country is equal in that way.

So when it comes around to the elections of HQ, each country has the right to nominate one person for each position. So it’s your presidents responsibility to forward the names of Greeks that wish to work within HQ. In a previous election only one Greek was nominated and he was nominated to be Assistant Supreme Commander, which is second highest position in EDEN HQ. This person was Myrfalas who raced against Ariakis and romper. As said, every country has one vote and this time Myrfalas respectfully lost by vote to other candidates.

This is a democracy and in a democracy sometimes you are elected and sometimes you are not. Countries vote for the best people capable of running HQ. The HQ is the highest office within the alliance, it is extremely difficult to break in to.

It is not the alliance’s description to play favourites nor is it the alliance‘s duty to dote on others. It is for the greater good, that HQ is not governed by nationality. HQ is here to serve all EDEN countries equally. We have been there for Greece in the past (I am currently in talks with your proud nation’s Government over a state matter.)

You have to understand that there are 13 flags in the EDEN logo. Each flag has an ambition and we in HQ have a responsibility to fulfil each of these ambitions, one country at a time. Greece cannot say that her pride and being have never been prioritised by the alliance. We have always been there for you. We were there to defend the Aegean Islands, Central Greece, Thrace, Crete and Macedonia. We assisted your offensive plans against Turkey and will forever continue to align to your ambitions!

As we have been there for you,we wish that Greece be there for EDEN . Our respect for you equals our respect for each of our member states. No nation is bigger than EDEN, we are all equals, all brothers united. I understand your frustration but do not take disrespect from our elected panel, they are there to serve the people of Greece.

Supreme Commander of EDEN
- Gabriel Lavanche