[EDEN] Sweetest Victory!

Day 1,049, 13:29 Published in China Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

Sweetest Victory!

Need some tunes?


Citizens of EDEN, vast in this glory.
This is our day, this is a day of total victory. A victory that wasn’t decided upon by a mere margin, no! This was an execution against those that apposed us, a demolition of those that resisted us, an apocalypse waged on those that defied us.
We as a brotherhood, a friendship and an alliance have united together and freed the nobility of China. We have driven out those that never belonged, the inferior pollution that is Serbia!

EDEN HQ were available for this quick, formal, statement on the victory:

Nah Nah Nah,
Nah Nah Nah,
Hey Hey Hey Goodbye!

We apologise to all refuges in Liaoning for the stench. Unfortunately fried Serb isn’t a pleasant odour but alas a clean up operation should commence shortly to ensure that no phoenix ever arise from these crummy ashes again.

We would like to thank all participants who took the time out and deployed to Liaoning to kill some Serbs. This truly shows the unity our alliance has. The fact that our dedicated soldiers invested their hard earned gold into the bloodshed proves that our bond is stronger than steel.
To China, a sincere congratulations on your victory, this is a marvellous triumph for you and all of EDEN.

It’s a good thing the admins removed happiness otherwise we’d be seeing all of Phoenix plummet into a grey depression… But in all seriousness, Phoenix don’t feel sad for this is the circle of life. If you weren’t here to fail we wouldn’t be here to succeed.

Have a nice day,
Hail EDEN, forever!

Public Relations