[EDEN] Together Towards Conquests and Entertainment

Day 1,054, 07:48 Published in Romania Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

In the recent weeks, the game admins have made a lot of changes; the biggest is undoubtedly the new rules regarding alliances and how they work. Only a day after the new system was launched, a fireworks of new battles could be seen all over the world. It was with an incredible force the EDEN soldiers from all countries burst into the fighting and fought bravely, making an imprint that will take a long time for Phoenix to erase. Not only the Russian fortress and capital region, Kaliningrad was forced to capitulate to our proud forces, but also the regions Southern Great Plain and Slovenian Littoral were conquered by our talented soldiers. Our arch-enemies, Phoenix lost a large number of important battles and more importantly, some very vital regions (Be sure to point this out when you meet them again).

When we summarize the recent days, EDEN has had a huge success. This might be dependent on the new module where our strength and skills on the battlefield have proven to be greater than our enemies. In addition, I and the rest of the EDEN brotherhood would like to give a warm welcome to the new nations that have joined us in eRepublik! The nations of EDEN are looking forward towards working with you in the future and create a common history that we all can be proud of!

Regarding the changes that admins have done in the game, we are aware that many of our members don’t like all of them and criticize the way the game is being run. EDEN takes a neutral position towards this, the most important thing for us has always been the social aspect of the game. To have fun and make something entertaining of the situation, no matter what resources and opportunities we have and no matter what obstacles that stand in our way. That's why we are called The Brotherhood of EDEN, we are a union of friends who strive towards a common goal; to have as much fun as possible!

As for the future, I hope that Phoenix is on their guard, because the war module is back and EDEN is coming for you!

Public Relation Organizer of Eden