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Vote von Phalz - We Must Form the Strong Congress

23 Dia 792, 12:21 Publicado em USA USA

EDIT: I will be running on the ticket of the Federalist Party this month; I thank them for hosting me this election. I will be running unopposed, so don't come to Michigan to vote for me. Consider helping out good candidates in difficult … ler mais »

The Friendly Empire

28 Dia 790, 15:18 Publicado em USA USA

18 January 2010, Day 790 of the New World. Ever since the beginning of the Asian campaign, there has been much ado about American expansion and imperialism. Many of the qualms against imperialism stem from sentiments that have no place in … ler mais »

Michigan Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 768 – 779

2 Dia 781, 22:13 Publicado em USA USA

9 January 2010, Day 781 of the New World

This report is a continuation of my last Congressional report as Arizona’s Congressman, which can be found [url= mais »

Arizona Congressman's Report and Voting Record, Day 756 - 766

1 Dia 781, 22:11 Publicado em USA USA

9 January 2010, Day 781 of the New World

This Congressional report covers the last of the 24th Congress of the eUnited States. My previous Congressional report can be found [url= mais »

Go to India, Young Man

15 Dia 779, 12:50 Publicado em USA USA

Request Tickets for Relocation to Karnataka here. The Flying Unicorn Squadron will give you free moving tickets!

7 January 2010, Day 779 ler mais »