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von Phalz Steps Up For Michigan

23 Dia 825, 11:21 Publicado em USA USA

I stand before you once again, citizens, announcing my intentions to run for another term in Congress and asking for your support. I am Rheinlander von Phalz, and I will be contending ler mais »

von Phalz Fells Woldy in Ritual Joust at North West of England

18 Dia 822, 23:56 Publicado em USA USA

19 February 2010, Day 822 of the New World. – Valiant fighting by the armies and allies of the United States and the United Kingdom, a proxy war of the EDEN/Phoenix conflict, have ceased with the nations agreeing to return to the status ler mais »

First Hour February '10 POTUS Election Coverage

5 Dia 808, 00:38 Publicado em USA USA

5 February 2010, Day 808 of the New World. The typical election for the President of the eUnited States can be called within the first hour of the polls opening. This is a consequence of a large electorate and up-to-the-second reporting by … ler mais »

26th Congressional Elections Results and Analysis

7 Dia 807, 15:40 Publicado em USA USA

4 February 2010, Day 807 of the New World. The twenty-sixth Congress of the eUnited States is in session, now completed with the necessary beginning-of-term bureaucracy. The Congressional elections on 25 January were marked by a large effort … ler mais »

A Call for Political Involvement

35 Dia 798, 19:16 Publicado em USA USA

26 January 2010, Day 798 of the New World. It is no surprise that there is a certain level of disdain for and a large amount of apathy about Congress in the eUnited States. These opinions are rather overt even among active citizens:

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