Go to India, Young Man

Day 779, 12:50 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz

Request Tickets for Relocation to Karnataka here. The Flying Unicorn Squadron will give you free moving tickets!

7 January 2010, Day 779 of the New World. Much of our recent news that wasn’t about the election is about our successes and failures in the Asian campaign. The United States kicked Iran out of Liaoning and Indonesia out of China altogether. We still have Hungarian and Russian zones of occupation to deal with in northern China and North Korea. Further south, we met with more success: in cooperation with China and India, we have completely removed Iran and Indonesia from India’s territory. This includes Iran’s high-grain fortress of Jharkhand and Indonesia’s high-iron fortress of Karnataka, which was once the single most important region of the Indonesian Empire.

Let’s look at why Karnataka is so important.

The United States has domestic access to iron, but no high-iron regions. Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and New Jersey are just medium-iron regions. Land companies in medium-resource regions are about half as productive, and half as profitable, as land companies in high-resource regions. Some entrepreneurs has iron companies in North America, but most of our iron comes from iron-rich EDEN nations, such as Spain (Asturias) and Greece (Central Greece).

Abundant iron drives the raw material price down, which allows us to produce more weapons. If the weapon price goes down, more citizens can afford to fight with weapons more often, and our e-nation’s damage potential increases. Hungary and Indonesia managed to secure their places as world powers by ensuring ample supplies of iron.

A United States with iron is a stronger United States. This makes Karnataka a target for Phoenix. There are already reported attempts to start a resistance war in the region, and Phoenix will heavily tank for RED. We all want to defeat Phoenix, so what can you do to help?

Move to Karnataka!

That’s right! Karnataka is our new fortress region. We now have a Q5 hospital and a Q5 defense system in the region, and they work just as well as the ones in Florida and California. The more people who live in Karnataka, the more expensive the region is to invade or start a resistance war in.

Karnataka’s hospital, which already operates to help residents fight

Many of your Congressional representatives are already in Karnataka!

In addition, in case you don’t love Congress, the eUS military is also now based in Karnataka when not on deployment. Every individual counts, solider or not, towards the wall in Karnataka. This region will soon be considerably more important to our economy than Florida. Join our United States population already there!

Wall-building is a popular pastime in Karnataka!

India and Karnataka

Of course, this region is not a core United State territory. India has allowed us to lease the region; we are not holding it against their will like Indonesia did. The Indian population is not large enough to harvest as much iron from the region as the United States population can, and the United States can better commit the iron to India’s defense. Last Presidential election, we helped the Indians prevent a level-6 Phoenix puppet from taking over their country.

Our stay in Karnataka is not permanent, but it will be long enough to justify the infrastructure we have built there and the people who moved. We are committed to knocking down the Phoenix empire in Asia. Liaoning and Heilongjiang are ultimately our targets, but iron from Karnataka can strengthen us for those challenges.

More about Karnataka

Karnataka is one of the southern regions of India. For several months, it was under Indonesian control.

Once you get over the exotic location on the Indian ocean (notice that we have a Pacific fortress, an Atlantic fortresss, and now an Indian fortress?), Karnataka is really as American (or United Statesian now) as apple pie. Except instead of dogs and cats, we keep peafowl.

Instead of wings and mashed potatoes, we eat this.

Instead of sport utility vehicles, we drive these.

These differences, of course, are superficial. Everyone should chip in to help his e-nation. Now that we have a program to move people to Karnataka, there is no reason to stay in Florida or California. Move to Karnataka today!

Please do not call our region “Karma Taco” or “Katana.” A taco is a Mexican dish, and a katana is a Japanese sword. As a native of Karnataka, I do not like either of these terms for my home. Karnataka is just four syllables, as much as the core United States region is Mississippi. Kar – na – tak – a is not difficult to pronounce, so please pronounce it properly. Thank you.