Vote von Phalz - We Must Form the Strong Congress

Day 792, 12:21 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
EDIT: I will be running on the ticket of the Federalist Party this month; I thank them for hosting me this election. I will be running unopposed, so don't come to Michigan to vote for me. Consider helping out good candidates in difficult races such as Devon Donaldson in Nebraska or the anti-PTO effort in Belgium!

Once again, I am Rheinlander von Phalz, and I hereby announce my intentions to run for my second term in Congress in Michigan, my fifth overall.

In the 24th and 25th Congresses, I was the Deputy Speaker of the House. In this organizational capacity, I presided over what I consider one of the best Congresses in recent eUS history. However, this term I have noticed a decline in Congressional activity and output, and I seek to correct that before it reverses the upward trend I’ve observed as my Congressional career progressed. I bring high levels of activity and dedication to Congress and urge the same of my colleagues. As an elected official, I make careful considerations on the best courses of action for our nation and try to improve Congress as a body. I was once again rated among the top four Congressmen by my peers.

Credentials and Experience

I represented Arizona in the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th Congresses of the eUnited States and Michigan in the 25th Congress. I was the Deputy Speaker of the House, and occasionally took over as Acting Speaker of the House, for the last two months. Outside of Congress, I am the United States Secretary of Media, a Cabinet-level position I first filled in the Frost administration and continue to hold in the Jewitt administration. The Media Department comprises the White House Press Release, which I used to write, the Pony Express, and REACH. I am a former Vice President of America’s Advancement Party and the current Chairman of its Congressional Elections Committee, which means I review and interview AAP Congressional hopefuls seeking sanctioning. I am a former Party President of the tlhIngan ghom (Klingon Party) and have been an active member of the Home Guard since my first term in Congress.

Forming the Strong Congress

Congress needs people insightful enough to bring debate before the assembly and dedicated enough to actually use their insight. I have demonstrated my commitment in prior terms and other positions I have held in government. I have witnessed continued improvements in Congress, but average activity seems to have dropped this month. It is my hope to spur Congress back on track towards becoming a competent and respected body. Charges are occasionally leveled against Congressmen for either being rubber stamps for the President or clueless; I resoundingly fall in neither of these categories, and I urge my colleagues to join me.


Karnataka Q5 Medical Center

Infrastructure was the primary focus of my first campaign in September. It has remained a consideration of mine, with varying degrees of urgency, over the months, which included a term in which I was on the infrastructure sub-committee in Congress. Then, as now, I argued that our infrastructure choices should be guided by the realities of the New World and not the sentiments we hold towards the Old World. Frankly, the debate had largely been settled with acceptance of the fortress strategy. This is not because it is some stuffy doctrine of the status quo but because it works for us. Even when PEACE had a border with our last-stand fortress, Florida, they were unable to invade it. Many of our regions are relatively unimportant and serve us better by allowing us to retreat to save global initiative.

There is no evidence that Q2 hospitals boost player retention. This is not a new finding in the slightest. I have even brought up ways that a Q2 hospital may be detrimental to our country: if citizens who would otherwise have come to a Q5 hospital region they are not connected to in the Old World decide to stay in a Q2 hospital region because of regional affinity, we irreparably sacrificed three fights per day per citizen. Retention and recruitment are worthy discussions to take a position on, but infrastructure’s role in them has been greatly exaggerated.

New Citizen Message

The most substantial contribution I have made towards citizen retention is improving the new citizen message, the first letter that appears in each new citizens’ inbox. If you were born after Day 712 of the New World in the eUnited States, I authored your message at least partially. This responsibility eventually landed in my department of the executive branch, but I seek input from the Interior Department and Congress to make it better.

Government Transparency and Accountability

Many of your elected officials are pretty busy characters; I have become one of them, as I wear hats in Congress, the executive branch, and my Party. Nevertheless, I regularly publish voting records and make them rather detailed so that readers can learn more from them than simply whether I clicked “Yes” or “No.” Even if I end up in an uncontested election, I am still to be held accountable for my decisions.

Arizona Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 676 – 685
Arizona Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 686 – 692
Arizona Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 694 – 703
Arizona Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 704 – 711
Arizona Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 711 – 718
Arizona Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 718 – 736
Arizona Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 736 – 743
My Inside Perspective on Current Events (Day 750)
Arizona Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 745 – 756
Arizona Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 756 – 766
Michigan Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 768 – 779

Conclusion and Endorsements

Thank you for electing me to Congress four times already, and if you do it again you will not be disappointed.

The following parties have endorsed my candidacy for Michigan, and I would like to thank them for their support.