Arizona Congressman's Report and Voting Record, Day 756 - 766

Day 781, 22:11 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
9 January 2010, Day 781 of the New World

This Congressional report covers the last of the 24th Congress of the eUnited States. My previous Congressional report can be found here.

As Deputy Speaker of the House, I can declare emergencies and forego the normal debate period before something goes to a vote. We suffered frequently forum outages nearing the conclusion of this term, perhaps not coincidentally around the time of offensives against Iran. Either Speaker of the House Serendipitous or I declared emergency to put the iron tax changes (the ones that were not simply experience proposals) to a vote.

Congressional recess was scheduled from 23 December to 27 December. The term of the 24th Congress ended after 25 December. I was on vacation and away from the eUS forums and most of Congress (but still voting in-game) from 25 December to 27 December.

15 December 2009, Day 756 of the New World

Donate 2,108 IDR to the Congressional Budget Office
Proposed by: Myles Robinson (Lib – MD)
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 49 – 0 No
Rationale: Our campaign into Asia pitted us against Indonesia in some of their colonies, including Xingjian. The currency we obtained can go on the money market for gold, which can go to work for us later in the war. I love that kind of poetic justice.

Tax Change: Gift
Proposed by: Devoid (Lib – NH)
Vote: No
Result: Accepted, Yes 39 – 8 No
Rationale: This was part of a proposal to lower income taxes across the board, encouraging more foreign competition on our marketplace. I did not necessarily agree to it, so voted against it here and for other bills part of the same proposal.

16 December 2009, Day 757 of the New World

Tax Change: Food
Proposed by: Dr. Tango (Fed – SC)
Vote: No
Result: Accepted, Yes 39 – 8 No
Rationale: The rationale for this proposal was the same as for the one proposed by Devoid (Lib – NH) one day earlier.

Tax Change: House
Proposed by: Max McFarland 2 (USWP – OH)
Vote: No
Result: Accepted, Yes 39 – 10 No
Rationale: The rationale for this proposal was the same as for the one proposed by Devoid (Lib – NH) one day earlier.

Tax Change: Moving Tickets
Proposed by: AidenAstrup (USWP – MA)
Vote: No
Result: Accepted, Yes 40 – 9 No
Rationale: The rationale for this proposal was the same as for the one proposed by Devoid (Lib – NH) one day earlier.

17 December 2009, Day 758 of the New World

Donate 1,182 JPY to the Congressional Budget Office
Proposed by: seeker1 (AAP – ME)
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 50 – 0 No
Rationale: I imagine Japanese currency appeared in our treasury when the Japanese president retreated from Kyushu and a couple of other Japanese regions as part of the plan to allow the United States to liberate Phoenix-held colonies in Asia.

Declare War on Iran
Proposed by: Jewitt, President of the United States
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 51 – 0 No
Rationale: As there was no acceptable way to generate a free war, we needed to declare war to Iran to invade Liaoning. Later, we also used this war to take Jharkhand. So far, none of the battles have been on core United States or core Iranian territory.

18 December 2009, Day 759 of the New World

Donate 99,999 USD to the Congressional Budget Office
Proposed by: Bekarius (Fed – IL)
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 43 – 0 No
Rationale: This was a standard money transfer proposal to use for budgeted expenses.

19 December 2009, Day 760 of the New World

Donate 1,600 GOLD to the Congressional Budget Office
Proposed by: Jude Connors (SFP – MN)
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 45 – 0 No
Rationale: It is not very frequently that we donate Gold, as we typically only put Gold into the national accounts when it is needed. It is not a good idea to keep unused Gold in the national accounts, so we donate it back to the CBO if it turns out we don’t need it there.

Tax Change: Iron
Proposed by: Tormod (USWP – MI)
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 41 – 5 No
Rationale: In preparation for our victory in Liaoning, we raised the income tax on iron to make Liaoning iron companies, which were still in Phoenix hands, unprofitable. The goal was to compel them to sell the companies to Americans.

20 December 2009, Day 761 of the New World

Donate 60,000 USD to the Congressional Budget Office
Proposed by: Robert Loggia (UIP – DE)
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 48 – 0 No
Rationale: This was another standard donation proposal.

Declare War on North Korea
Proposed by: Jewitt, President of the United States
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 49 – 0 No
Rationale: Similar to the earlier war declaration on Iran, there was no way to get a free war on North Korea. North Korea had one been our ally, but it was in a state of political takeover and is now a puppet state of Russia. We were planning to conquer its regions to kick the Russian government out before Hungary attacked at Jilin.

Tax Change: Defense System
Proposed by: system0101 (AAP – IA)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 12 – 36 No
Rationale: This was a proposal for experience. These are common around the end of the term.

Tax Change: Hospital
Proposed by: system0101 (AAP – IA)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 12 – 35 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Issue 1337 USD for 6.685 Gold
Proposed by: Kyle321n (Fed – CA)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 6 – 42 No
Rationale: Experience proposal, although as a general rule I would discourage issue money proposals from being used for experience

Minimum Wage
Proposed by: Phoenix Quinn (SFP – ND)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 3 – 45 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Tax Change: Oil
Proposed by: BTuck20 (AAP – IN)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 3 – 45 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

New Citizen Fee
Proposed by: Abayarde (USWP – WA)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 4 – 43 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Tax Change: Wood
Proposed by: Gannonus (AAP – KS)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 5 – 45 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Tax Change: Weapon
Proposed by: Herrn Sterling (AAP – VT)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 7 – 41 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

21 December 2009, Day 762 of the New World

Donate 7,990 IRR to the Congressional Budget Office
Proposed by: Maxx Johnson (AAP – AK)
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 44 – 1 No
Rationale: This was not a proposal just for the experience. We really needed that 7,990 IRR.

Tax Change: Gift
Proposed by: seeker1 (AAP – ME)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 7 – 36 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Tax Change: House
Proposed by: Joe Lansing (Fed – NM)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 8 – 35 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Tax Change: Moving Tickets
Proposed by: SGGHays (CvP – NE)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 6 – 40 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Tax Change: Diamonds
Proposed by: Devan Kronos (USWP – MT)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 7 – 38 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Tax Change: Grain
Proposed by: DanielCD (Lib – WI)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 7 – 37 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Tax Change: Iron
Proposed by: eliwood_sain (Fed – OK)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 8 – 37 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Issue 200,000 USD for 1000 Gold
Proposed by: Tormod (AAP – MI)
Vote: Yes
Result: Rejected, Yes 47 – 0 No
Rationale: The last issue money proposal was an experience proposal, which delayed voting on this, an issue money proposal we needed.

Tax Change: Oil
Proposed by: Jimmy Olsen (Dem – HI)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 5 – 39 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Tax Change: Defense System
Proposed by: Evan Feinman (AAP – VA)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 7 – 38 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Tax Change: Hospital
Proposed by: eliwood_sain (Fed – OK)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 7 – 36 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

22 December 2009, Day 763 of the New World

Donate 99,999 USD to the Congressional Budget Office
Proposed by: St Krems (Fed – ID)
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 47 – 0 No
Rationale: We recently passed an issue money proposal, so the next two donation proposals should be expected to be 99,999 USD.

23 December 2009, Day 764 of the New World

Tax Change: Iron
Proposed by: Maxx Johnson (AAP – AK)
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 39 – 5 No
Rationale: After losing Liaoning, we had no reason to keep iron taxes high. The benefit was gone, and the detriment to our small domestic iron industry, including the iron companies in Arizona, persisted.

Donate 99,999 USD to the Congressional Budget Office
Proposed by: Max McFarland 2 (USWP – OH)
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 50 – 0 No
Rationale: The motivation for this proposal is the same as for the proposal by St Krems (Fed – ID) the day prior.

Peace Treaty with Japan
Proposed by: Dokomo, President of Japan
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 20 – 0 No
Rationale: After firmly establishing ourselves on the Asian continent and returning Kyushu to Japan, there was no reason to have an open war with them. It was actually extremely dangerous to us, as it had many powerful Phoenix mutual protection pacts open against us, which could be used by a later government. Later peace treaties with Japan were for the Japanese alliance with China activated by our land-swaps.

Minimum Wage
Proposed by: Joe Lansing (Fed – NM)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 4 – 44 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Alliance with Canada
Proposed by: Jacobi, President of Canada
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 48 – 1 No
Rationale: Canada is the other half of our alliance-brotherhood known colloquially by the portmanteau “Brolliance.” We maintain excellent relations with Canada and continued our mutual protection pact.

25 December 2009, Day 766 of the New World

Tax Change: Hospital
Proposed by: Kyle321n (Fed – CA)
Vote: No
Result: Rejected, Yes 5 – 42 No
Rationale: Experience proposal

Alliance with Israel
Proposed by: Jewitt, President of the United States
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 55 – 0 No
Rationale: This was a routine alliance renewal. Some of the voting period was after the 25th Congress was elected, which is how more than 52 votes were cast.

Donate 95,000 USD to the Congressional Budget Office
Proposed by: St Krems (Fed – ID)
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted, Yes 49 – 1 No
Rationale: This was a routine donation proposal.

Alliance with Bosnia and Herzegovina
Proposed by: Emir Ribic, President of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Vote: Yes
Result: Rejected, Yes 6 – 41 No
Rationale: Bosnia and Herzegovina was recently liberated from a Serbian political takeover of half of their Congress. They went back on the regularly-renewed mutual protection pact list, so I naturally voted yes to allying with them while I was away on vacation. It turns out there was some problem with Gold on their side. I don’t exactly remember, but that is why we voted it down.

This Congressional report ends here. The reason is that as of 26 December 2009 I no longer represent Arizona in the eUS Congress. My Congressional record-keeping continues in Michigan Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 768 – 779.