Inviting Applications for IU Party President

Day 785, 20:11 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Fellow party members,

My term as party President is about to end and well, its been a reasonably eventful ride. I would however like a new, dynamic leader to come up and contest for Party President as I do not (as yet) share the same connect with our party members as some others might! I have been too busy with a lot of other Presidential tasks and had taken time off for a few days to go on holiday, so was not completely active to support the party.

The new leader should have the following minimum qualifications :

1. Be extremely active and contact all party members and have a rapport with them.
2. Be present to handle the Anti PTO one day prior to election day and of course on election day. He will be the one that will monitor and distribute the party votes and will be the final authority.

Not very difficult qualification on the face of it 😉 but trust me...they are a HUGE responsibility!!!

Hope I get some good guys msging me!!!
