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Heavy metal rules the world...someday so will India : )



11 Dia 784, 05:06 Publicado em India India

Hi guys,

Thanks to the Chinese President , Tonystm, we FINALLY have our training war. Please go and fight here :

Make sure you fight bare handed or with Q1 weapons only as this is a

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14 Dia 784, 02:02 Publicado em India India

dear admins,

This is a trend we have noticed time and time again. Certain citizen accounts, donate unusual amount of money (INR) or gold or donate food items to our legal citizens and later our legitimate citizens seem to get banned. We cannot be

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Ministry Of Finance

16 Dia 780, 09:28 Publicado em India India

Hi guys,

This is the first Ministry to be finalised and I have requested a meeting tomorrow at 10 pm IST. The meet will be chaired by Finance Minister - Navincharles and will have Shail as honourary special advisor.

The others in the Ministry

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Calling all Budding Ministers!!

14 Dia 779, 00:43 Publicado em India India

Hi guys,

Here is an initial draft of the ministries and the guys who have approached me for being part of building up India. I thank them but to me, the list is still very short. I wish to have much more participation from our bright young

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[Presidential Article] A Quick brief Of What I Seek To Achieve

17 Dia 778, 05:02 Publicado em India India

Hi all my dear friends,

This is not going to be along one, but just teh first part of a set of hopes that I will keep updating daily with articles that will try and make everyone aware of what I seek to achieve. 🙂

1. Complete independence is

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