[Presidential Report] MUST READ : Weekly Status Wrap on Important Issues

Day 788, 22:21 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Dear citizens and my brothers,

This article is to update all citizens on matters of importance. This is an objective rpeort and devoid of any propaganda (which I deeply dislike) I request all citizens to personally message me if they need any clarification or information.

1. Karnataka, jharkhand and our "occupied" territories

We are discussing with the USA the return of our regions at a scheduled date. The regions of Jharkhand and Karnataka are the only high regions of any consequence so obviously, they need some deliberation. The American President came at us with an offer of lease for karnataka but since then, there has been a confusion/contradiction and we are trying to negotiate and settle this once and for all as soon as possible. Jharkhand serves a less important role for us and we may perhaps allow China to use the region for a while as the economic benefits versus having to return the region to stave off Congress PTO are being weighed.

2. Training Wars and battles

We are looking to get this sorted and were on the verge of going for it, but have laid off thanks to a recent development, so we will need to again consider this carefully. recent development in next point. (below)

3. Sindh region of Pakistan and Serbia

Yesterday Serbia have finally moved forward and have taken the Sindh region of Pakistan to now be bordering us . This is an intriguing aspect as it may perhaps dictate the wars that we could join as Serbia might try to attack us or might try to swap region upwards and go for Liaoning. Either which way, perhaps we might look for yet another MPP to secure ourselves better 🙂 Maybe Serbia will give us our very own war by wasting their gold?! 🙂 I sure hope so!!!

4. MAFIA Propaganda

Of late, MAFIA have tried their best at sophistication and their multis pretend to be concerned Indian citizens. I request all eIndians to watch out for their feeble attempts at propaganda and not be taken in by any nonsense at face value, not in-game, neither on the forums. The game is much more complex and has many aspects to it, that make simple, supposedly "obvious" decisions seem quite befuddling. If you have any queries, fire them at me or Abhi or shail.back and we will help u understand the game mechanics.

If any "new" citizen messages you pretending to be Indian, make sure he really is before gifting him! You can do this simply be querying him about certain questions only Indians would know the answer to. 🙂 Also , when in doubt, always contact me or shail,back ro jelen od Potoka or Abhi347 with a "suspicious" request and we will do the needful

Be Proud in being an eIndian and help support those who are fighting tirelessly to keep a sovereign eIndia!

5. New Training Program for the Army

This is a "covert" operation and will be kicked off from tomorrow. In teh meantime, I request all those, whoever can, to donate any amount of gold to the treasury to help. Please only donate what u can afford - even 0.01 gold is an amazing token of thanks and would be appreciated 🙂

6. Expansion program

A lot of guys are making a splendid effort to bring about new citizens in every way they can - Domnic, Abhi, Vivekanand and their SAT team are the forerunners. I request all active eIndia citizens to suggest any websites/portals and help contribute in the SAT team. Please message Abhi347 and get involved so that hopefully our days of being in the eternal fear of a PTO cease.

7. Citizens of the Week

Lastly, I would like to mention some exemplary citizens who are the backbone of our e-nation. They need to be especially commended for their selfless dedication to nation building and for rising up to the challenge of being super active and helping others!

- Abhi347 (virtually runs the IRC single handedly, deals with IAI and also defence! A true superman)
- Domnic (I have seen a number of new citizens joining up thanks to him and he has been the one who has done the most for expansion.
- Navincharles (handling the finance admirably and securing the prosperity of our nation)
- Aman Chandila (one of the brightest new citizens who has been working behind the scenes on various new initiatives)
- Curtis400 (Abhi's right hand man and the one to have created a superb program for mentoring)
- Betha (the man solely responsible for managing the forums...hats off mate!)

Of course there are many many many other eIndians who are all silently doing their part but I had to mention the above as they were the stand out performers since I have taken charge. It is very difficult to balance Real Life whilst dedicating time to the game as well and I thank everyone for sticking in eIndia and having faith in our nation.

I personally have not had much time as yet to get involve din Expansion aggressively but I hope I will be able to turn it around and include myself in my own all star top 6 list 😉 he he

Thanks a lot guys for reading and for your support, I will close on this very important request...

Do not get taken in by nonsense propaganda or believe any derogatory comments aimed at us by anyone. remember this is a virtual world and anyone can create a new account and try and malign those that are our friends and try and split us up and our thinking. have faith in your mentor or the seniors and ALWAYS trust them. Query them ... yes, but do not get misled.

Jai Hind.