A Dissapointed RL Malaysian

Day 991, 05:20 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

On this 31 st of August 2010 is the 53rd RL Malaysia gain her independence after being oppressed for more than 500 years by four foreign powers. Yesterday on the 6th of August in the year of 2010 eMalaysia lose its independence to foreign power after less than 2 years of its creation.What an irony eMalaysia fall less than a month RL Malaysia gain its freedom.

So here come the big question, who should we blame? Does the Serbs need to be blame 100, no.Does the eMalaysian need to be blame 100,no.Than who we should blame than? I've come to conclusion that RL Malaysian should be blame because the fall of eMalaysia.

Why I Say What I Said

As you all notice, there are only a handful RL Malaysian who play this game and even fewer who are actually active. In any eCountry the most important population are the RL population because this is the only group who have the feelings of patriotism towards the country. Most non RL players don't give a hack about the country and leave anytime they like without any regret.

You see, the problem with RL Malaysian is that the young generation don't love their country anymore. You can go around asking teenagers in RL Malaysia how long have Malaysia gain its independent and some will say 20 years,100 years and the funniest one I ever heard is "I know it's more than 200 years".

I envy countries such as USA,Indonesia,Venezuela and a few more who gained their independent longer than Malaysia and their people still have more feeling of patriotism towards their country.

RL Malaysian Attitude Towards This Game

When I ask my friends to come play this game for reasons such as saving eMalaysia from Serbian PTOer or from eIndonesia invasion here what I get in respond

1."Who cares if Malaysia got insulted,it is just a game"

2."Saving Malaysia in a game?Sound stupid to me"

3,"Why wasting my time on saving Malaysia in a game"

Yes those are the answers I get from RL Malaysian when I ask them to join this game. I really envy Indonesian who will come in thousands to join when their country interest in this game are in danger. I envy how Serbian willing to use their own money to make a television,newspaper and etc2 advertisement.

How Can RL Malaysian Come To This Point

I as RL Malaysian personally know that the reason why RL Malaysian come to this lowest point of self respect because of the failure of educational system.RL Malaysia educational system just consecrating on us just passing the exams and get the highest grades we can.

The systems take granted for the teaching of spirituals and nationalism in the students. The schools and universities implemented the idea of "If you get good grades you will be a rich successful person". It brain washing the people to believe that life is all about finding money and more money without thinking about others and the nation best interest.


In conclusion, eMalaysia failed because RL Malaysian failed. The failure of the education systems give birth on generation of what I would like to call "I Don't Care" generation of RL Malaysian which in turn become leaders of this country until at one point they can go to other foreign power such as USA to help them to gain power in this country.Nowadays RL Malaysian are more self centered more than ever in the short 53 years history of a country known as Malaysia.eMalaysia will continue to fail if RL Malaysian not willing to change their attitude.

Yours Truly

Noveras "The Disappointed RL Malaysian"