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Newspaper for the weebs degenerates

We Shall Never Surrender Even If It Takes 100 Years!!!

16 hari ke 1,022, 20:20 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

“We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” :- Winston

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The Story Of eMalaysia PTO

4 hari ke 1,010, 21:08 Diterbitkan di China China


A picture taken showing eIndonesian dogs being taken for a walk by their eSerbian master.

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The Story Of eMalaysia PTO

6 hari ke 1,010, 21:04 Diterbitkan di USA USA


A picture taken showing eIndonesian dogs being taken for a walk by their eSerbian master.

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Tahniah Indonesia!!!

79 hari ke 1,010, 01:18 Diterbitkan di Indonesia Indonesia

Di Sini Saya Ingin Mengucapkan Tahniah Kepada eIndonesia Kerana Akhirnya Setelah Hampir Setahun Mencuba Dapat Juga Menjajah Semenanjung Malaysia.Tahniah Kerana Telah Membuktikan Kepada Rakyat eMalaysia Dan Juga Semua Pemaian Di eRepublik Yang

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Why I Like The New Food System(USA Edition)

2 hari ke 1,005, 19:22 Diterbitkan di USA USA

If you guys notice recently there is a new button that said "Buy Food" or "Eat Food" if you already have food in your inventory under the smiley face 😁. So this is the new rule of this game,there will be no more auto eating and you can eat more

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