How More Unintelligent You Can Be Mr/Ms President???

Day 983, 20:01 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

So basically we have seen a few trade embargo proposal that was passed and most of them are denied and no discussion are being made before the proposal are made. All of this proposal are made by our own Mr/Ms President Spykerman.Here is the reason he/she gave for all the proposal :-

"Until my term as CP ends, I'll be proposing trading embargoes on major PHOENIX countries like Slovenia, Russia, Bulgaria and Hungary.

Let's just say I want to hurt the feelings of the PTOers. The following 4 countries are Serbia's closest allies.

I really don't expect any to be passed due to overwhelming presence of PTOers in Congress.

So please vote YES!"

Our President RL Clone

Ok now how unwise or rather stupid is that??? Right now we already have can barely hold eSerbs and eIndo always knocking on our back door and now we are making more enemies???Right now my all the intelligent I found that after our President start proposing all this stupid trade embargo Phoenix countries such as eIndo,eEstonia and even eIran are sending people to help the eSerbs PTO effort for the complete PTO in the next Presidential election.

For those who knows me for a long time you guys should know my intel never wrong. So you see,the stupid act of a single person has cause the nation dearly. So like I always said "The Flag Of Liberty Fell Because One Person Is Crazy While The Other One Is Stupid". Probably most of you active people knows what I meant by that 😁

Your Truly

Noveras "The Rebel"

P.S : I can't understand how people who I consider as family who I put my head on the line when they needed support betrayed me when I needed their support. People who I consider as my family betrayed me for the power in a game?