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My Dáil Manifesto

12 640 jour, 23:33 Published in Ireland Ireland

I'll be running in the North West.


I will continue to support the State Housing and Gifting Schemes.
I see both as essential state services, particularly with increased Irish involvement in

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On Lord Rhindon

8 637 jour, 18:14 Published in Ireland Ireland

As it appears some people have entered the habit of attempting to pin Rhindon's mess on me, I feel compelled to write an article on the matter.

The facts are as follows:

Lord Rhindon requested 700 IEP for Community projects.
He … en savoir plus »

The War Games & The August Budget

4 637 jour, 16:13 Published in Ireland Ireland

The war games that will give our economy a great boost have finally started.
As our Minister for Foreign Affairs pointed out, we are in no way threatened by our participation in this set of wargames nor by our MPP with Greece. … en savoir plus »

[DoFI] Company Signup for RMs: Public-Private Partnership

5 634 jour, 22:59 Published in Ireland Ireland

Well, the first stage of state involvement in the raw materials industry has been initiate😛
Sign up of Irish companies for involvement in the scheme.

If you own a manufacturing company based in the Republic of Ireland, you can sign up to

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The Minister for Finance Speaks on War and Love.

33 632 jour, 09:24 Published in Ireland Ireland

World War III and our involvement in Greece:
There seems to be a growing group of people who believe that our involvement in Greece is a massive threat to our national sovereignty. This simply is not true.

All parties who could invade us, … en savoir plus »