[DoFI] Company Signup for RMs: Public-Private Partnership

Day 634, 22:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

Well, the first stage of state involvement in the raw materials industry has been initiate😛
Sign up of Irish companies for involvement in the scheme.

If you own a manufacturing company based in the Republic of Ireland, you can sign up to receive state-backed cost-price RMs from the government here:

Manufacturing companies must include their approximate RM consumption per week, the current source of their RMs, and the current full productivity of their workforce.

If you own a raw materials company based on foreign soil, in a region of high productivity, you can sign up for the state-backed RM purchase programme here:

RM companies must state the current full productivity of their workforce, wages paid to their workforce, and any wage competition measures put in place.

The full details of the plan are here: