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A Lesson on Trolls: Hit a Report Button! Don't Feed Them!

17 804 jour, 01:59 Published in Ireland Ireland

Articles have been written about the recent rape scandal that have completely missed the point of its perpetrators' intentions.

First, let me say that … en savoir plus »

Partisan and Proud

16 779 jour, 16:54 Published in Ireland Ireland

First of all, I would like you all to read this article, as it demonstrates the same principle as this article.

As the title suggests, I will talk … en savoir plus »

Election Results: The Dáil

7 767 jour, 13:33 Published in Ireland Ireland

Composition of the Irish Parliament:
Irish Social Democrats: 10
Irish Freedom Party: 10
Irish Union Party: 6
Saoirse: 6
Independents: 7
Labour Party: 1 (Elected Via … en savoir plus »

Labour is Pro-War, Anti-Boredom: Join the Movement!

35 759 jour, 05:29 Published in Ireland Ireland

eRepublik is a game based on the political and economic challenges surrounding war.

For a long time, Ireland did not have the institutions in place to engage in war, or did not have a distinct side to choose for any great reason. However, both of

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Introducing the Labour Party

32 758 jour, 03:56 Published in Ireland Ireland

Citizens of the Republic!

In light of various developments in recent weeks, particularly the wargames problems and the stagnation of activity generally, the Labour Party has been formed to provide an alternative to the established … en savoir plus »