Election Results: The Dáil

Day 767, 13:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

Composition of the Irish Parliament:
Irish Social Democrats: 10
Irish Freedom Party: 10
Irish Union Party: 6
Saoirse: 6
Independents: 7
Labour Party: 1 (Elected Via Independents)


An interesting Dail this month.
The IUP again in a position disproportionately weak to its size, with the ISD up to ten seats via vote management. The biggest losers were the IUP and Saoirse.

Despite the change, there are many familiar names on the list, which means that this election probably won't cause a big problem for the current administration, and the ISD have strengthened their seat number anyway.

Congratulations to Nephworks on being the first Labour Party TD in the parliament, and thank you to Edana Savage for allowing him to run with the Independents!

"The cause of labour is the cause of Ireland, the cause of Ireland is the cause of labour." - James Connolly

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