A Lesson on Trolls: Hit a Report Button! Don't Feed Them!

Day 804, 01:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru
Articles have been written about the recent rape scandal that have completely missed the point of its perpetrators' intentions.

First, let me say that rape is indeed a horrible thing. I am not denying this, so I hope not to see comments like "Oh, he supports rape" after I publish this article, because that's bollocks.

In fact, rape is so horrible that we can assume every reasonable person is not a fan of it.
All of which is precisely why making articles about why it is so horrible is completely redundant.
The country doesn't need to hear why everyone thinks rape is so wrong, the majority of people are reasonable people (I hope), and so repeating said message to other reasonable people is just plain silly. The perpetrators certainly won't care about the intent of your messages, surely they've demonstrated that.

Secondly, I do not believe that the perpetrators of the scandal actually believe what they have posted either. In fact, they posted it deliberately to stir up every commentator willing to take the bait.

And by Jaysus Christ smoking ganja by the Liffey, the bait was taken up.

Articles and comments, all giving the scandal attention and airtime.
The perpetrators must be laughing their arses off.

Every outraged comment and article is merely stoking the fire of their amusement.
They didn't post it because they wanted Edana raped, they posted it to see all of your reactions.
And you continue to deliver!

The perpetrators have been called children, but are those who are so vocal about the scandal any different? You all don't seem to realise that they are walking into a trap designed for the amusement of those few people.

Will the articles and comments of outrage change the opinions of the perpetrators?
Do they even care about your opinions beyond their ability to amuse?

The answer to all three questions is no.

Instead of posting meaningless and ineffectual articles about the vice of rape, let's concentrate on the real matters at hand. In case you didn't notice, it is election season. Let's get on with that.
Hope for an election untouched by scandal is probably crushed, but it's better than moping over a trolling.

If you want to express your outrage, do it via the report button, where it might be useful, because it is utterly useless elsewhere, whether it's in the media or on the forums.

Edana, if you think I planned this, then you are paranoid.
Manni is no more controllable by me than by you!

Why would I damage my own political ideology in a country where I do not operate?