Introducing the Labour Party

Day 758, 03:56 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru
Citizens of the Republic!

In light of various developments in recent weeks, particularly the wargames problems and the stagnation of activity generally, the Labour Party has been formed to provide an alternative to the established way.

At home, we believe in universal healthcare for all regions, increased consultation with the people, more people becoming active on the IRC, more use of the chatroom function, and the establishment of workers' companies. These companies will place all profits directly in the hands of the workers that created the products, according to their productivity, each week.

Abroad, we believe that Ireland should finally take its place among the countries of the world, in matters of utmost of international importance. To this end, if placed in power, an immediate MPP with the United States of America would be the immediate foreign affairs objective of the party, after which, the exact extent of Irish involvement in international affairs beyond that can be established safely.

If you want to see a strong, involved Ireland at home and abroad, I urge you to support Labour in its efforts.

Brian Boru,
Party President of the Labour Party.

"The cause of labour is the cause of Ireland, the cause of Ireland is the cause of labour." - James Connolly

If you want to support the Labour Party, Join Here! We are currently in the process of creating a forum, and look forward to your input!