Labour is Pro-War, Anti-Boredom: Join the Movement!

Day 759, 05:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

eRepublik is a game based on the political and economic challenges surrounding war.

For a long time, Ireland did not have the institutions in place to engage in war, or did not have a distinct side to choose for any great reason. However, both of these problems have been solved for the most part.

Why does Ireland shrink from the idea of war?

The country has not grown at the pace it could and should have.
People regularly leave Ireland to fight abroad with paramilitary groups.
It is clear that Ireland is boring to the citizenry.

It is clear what Ireland needs: War.

The Labour Party supports the involvement of the Republic in the international military scene, so that we can halt the crippling social effects of having no real challenge. MPPs being the key part of this movement, we will set up MPPs with key allies if put in power.

With your support, we CAN bring this country into a position among the nations that is worthy of our name. Join us!

However, I must say that this path is not a short one.
We have to insure we are ready for such a step by permanent revolution of our military system.