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Fair and biased news coverage since February 2011! Please forgive us if a Fusion Accident occurs.

Confederacy: The Way Forward

4 1,394 jour, 13:57 Published in Japan Japan Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

When I ran for Congress in August, I spoke out in favor of the Confederacy Foundation Act, a

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With Kyushu Free, Japan Is Again Whole

4 1,394 jour, 12:57 Published in Japan Japan Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Early this morning, the Imperial Army, with the support of other military units, our Korean allies, and the independent fighters of the resistance, restored Kyushu to … en savoir plus »

FNN Celebrates eJapanese Constitution Day

11 1,381 jour, 07:48 Published in Japan Japan Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Two years ago today, the National Diet of eJapan adopted the Constitution of the Great Empire of Japan. … en savoir plus »

Terra and Japan: A Faded Bond?

13 1,381 jour, 01:11 Published in Japan Japan Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

It would not be wrong to say that eJapan was lucky to be invited to the Terra alliance. At the time, we had been allied with the US, Canada, Australia and Ireland in the "Brolliance." Originally an informal club of to the US and Canada, the "bros"

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To Be Worthy of Truth and Trust

8 1,372 jour, 10:48 Published in Japan Japan Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

In the past several months, we have seen the Imperial Diet, once the center of our Empire's democracy, become a stagnant shadow of what it once was. Most elected Congress Members do not contribute to the debates. When leaders allow themselves to

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