Confederacy: The Way Forward

Day 1,394, 13:57 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

When I ran for Congress in August, I spoke out in favor of the Confederacy Foundation Act, a proposal to reform our elections by Minister Tetsuya Tameru. In addition to electing the Representatives of the Imperial Diet, Congress elections would be used to decide local governments. These local governments could then hold events, commemorate holidays, or even issue controversial edicts like RL Tokyo's recent ban on risque manga and anime. The intent here is to provide another political stage, where our regions can each establish their own culture. A popular government could inspire the people of a region, and an unpopular government could provide endless opportunity for debate, protest, or other civic activism.

Today, I have reintroduced this proposal, working from the draft issued by Minister Tameru before the war. When we were invaded, we quite rightly turned away from these cultural reforms and put our efforts to defending our nation. Early this morning, Kyushu, our last region, was returned to us by the valiant efforts of our Imperial Army and other resistance fighters. Building on this success, let us turn our thoughts back to our culture, reform our democracy, and give new life to the civic fabric of our country.