With Kyushu Free, Japan Is Again Whole

Day 1,394, 12:57 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

Early this morning, the Imperial Army, with the support of other military units, our Korean allies, and the independent fighters of the resistance, restored Kyushu to Japanese rule.

For most of the night, there was no sign of organized opposition to the liberation forces. Official sources had been on the lookout for the "FSR" militia of ethnic Romanians as a possible source of interference. Luck was with our cause, as with only a single loss, the liberation campaign was an overwhelming victory.

Kyushu was the last battle of a tense campaign, during which Canada invaded Japan from the north, and South Korean forces occupied most of the country in order to fortify it against the Canadian threat. Within a week, Japan was entirely occupied by these two countries, with the government cooperating with the Korean presence.

The occupation was controversial. One veteran citizen condemned the strategy that had brought Japan, even temporarily, to total occupation. Others defended the move, in the spirit that all things must pass, and an ending can be a new beginning.

Whatever the cost, Japan is now once more restored to its sovereign unity. Our spirit humbled by this effort, will we look outward to world affairs, or inward to our own hearts? The next page of Japanese history has yet to be written, but the ink is fresh and the page is turned.