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Monday-Friday: An Article/Random Requests
Saturday: Weekly Power Rankings
Sunday: Around the World

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Canada vs. America!? Analysis on the War That Won't Happen (Probably)

32 1,700 jour, 22:50 Published in Canada Canada Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Ooh, I've been dying to see this! After nearly 4 years of being BFFs, Canada and America seem serious about battling each other. Both Congresses are in the process of NEing the other, with Canada, the aggressor, voting 12-2 in favor as of 22:30

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Gold Sweepstakes #1: Wait, Didn't You Do This Already?

80 1,700 jour, 12:00 Published in Canada Canada Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Ohayo, everyone! I decided to make the gold sweepstakes a regular thing, and why the hell not, right? It gives me a break from writing, and it gives me tons of subscribers a chance to give back to my subscribers! The last time I did this, I

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Around the World #8; Piece of Cake, Serbian Cake

7 1,699 jour, 15:52 Published in Canada Canada Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

So, how has the week passed in the New World? Who has made progress? Who has been dealt the scent of defeat? Find out in this week's edition of Around the World!


The Hundred-Hour War

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Weekly Power Rankings #8: So Much For Ctrl

16 1,698 jour, 14:21 Published in Canada Canada Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Welcome to another edition of the eRepublik Power Rankings! Here are the rules; the efforts of the top five countries this week will be recognized, and the five worst performances will be mocked, no exceptions! Countries are recognized for many

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My Hero, Zero! How Albania Saved the Balkans

6 1,697 jour, 11:21 Published in Canada Canada Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Zero? How can zero be a hero? Well, there's proof right here. When other nations in the Balkans such as Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina fell, Albania stood as the last line of defense before

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