Gold Sweepstakes #1: Wait, Didn't You Do This Already?

Day 1,700, 12:00 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

Ohayo, everyone! I decided to make the gold sweepstakes a regular thing, and why the hell not, right? It gives me a break from writing, and it gives me tons of subscribers a chance to give back to my subscribers! The last time I did this, I had around 50 subscribers, but now check it out! 205 and rising! Media Mogul Medal, you will be mine!!! And, you know, it's my 2-month celebration of my e-birth, but no big deal...

So for those of you that weren't here for the first sweepstakes, it's pretty simple. You vote the paper (no need to sub), and post your vote number! The pot this time is 2 gold, and (hopefully) will keep getting larger in the future! The rewards go as follows:

The first 5 votes will automatically win! There are 3 small prizes of 0.1 gold, but also 2 big prizes of 0.35 gold! Either way, getting here first guarantees that you win!

For vote numbers 6-75, there are also prizes for you! 5 lucky winners will get 0.1 gold in their pocket! And 2 people will get the super prize, 0.25 gold!

For vote numbers 76+, nothing for you.

So yeah, those are the rules! If there's also any leftover prizes, I'll pass them out! Good luck, and godspeed.

Until next time, take care!

And why not play the lyrics game while you're here? Basically, I write some lyrics down and the first one who says the correct song in the comments wins some cash! This time the prize is 200 CAD!

She keeps the secrets in her eyes
She wraps the truth inside her lies
Just when I can't take what she's done to me
She comes to me
and leads me back to paradise
She's so hard to hold
but I can't let go

I'm a house of cards in a hurricane
A reckless ride in the pouring rain
She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel
She'll dance away just like a child
She drives me crazy, drives me wild

Yeah, it's a thing ^.^

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