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Monday-Friday: An Article/Random Requests
Saturday: Weekly Power Rankings
Sunday: Around the World

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If I Was Your PotUS...

13 1,707 jour, 16:51 Published in Canada Canada Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Amidst all the chaos and confusion, there's one thing that's clear: America's current government wishes to strengthen relations with Spain and Brazil, forming a powerful alliance that is quite formidable. That's the real reason behind America's

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Around the World #9; Miracles Happen But Once

2 1,706 jour, 21:02 Published in Canada Canada Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

So, how has the week passed in the New World? Who has made progress? Who has been dealt the scent of defeat? Find out in this week's edition of Around the World!


War of American Unification

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Weekly Power Rankings #9; The Battle Between Bros

8 1,706 jour, 01:48 Published in Canada Canada Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Welcome to another edition of the eRepublik Power Rankings! Here are the rules; the efforts of the top five countries this week will be recognized, and the five worst performances will be mocked, no exceptions! Countries are recognized for many

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Africa! What to Do With the Expanding Continent

12 1,704 jour, 16:37 Published in Canada Canada Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

America this, Balkans that. Sure, Europe and the Americas are hotspots for war, but don't neglect Africa! The fledgeling continent is very lackluster at the present, with only Egypt and South Africa representing the landmass. But things won't always

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Canada, the Scapegoat?! America's War of Aggression

32 1,703 jour, 01:05 Published in Canada Canada Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I love America, alright? As an American citizen in real life, I've always identified myself as an American. When I first started playing this game, I had a very difficult decision to make, and I ended up starting in Canada, simply because I would

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