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Monday-Friday: An Article/Random Requests
Saturday: Weekly Power Rankings
Sunday: Around the World

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Reconstruction! Terra v2 and America's Predicament

15 1,696 jour, 16:05 Published in Canada Canada Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

As you may have guessed, USA's uncertainty, along with the fundamental problem with the American-based HQ, caused a group of members to try to reform and rebuild Terra, with Rylde heading the charge. We searched for our Terran friends and asked

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Dear Plato, All I Want for Christmas...; An eRepublik Improvement List

50 1,695 jour, 23:54 Published in Canada Canada Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

If you've been with me since the very beginning, you'll have read something like this before. Basically, back in my first week of playing, I noticed many ways to improve this game we're all secretly obsessed over. If we ever see a v3 of eRepublik in

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to World War VI

17 1,694 jour, 14:33 Published in Canada Canada Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Durr, stupid, it's World War V! *unsub* Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on there, disloyal minion, I know what I'm talking about. Now, before you ask, I know what you're thinking. What will happen to World War V? The answer is: nothing. It will end abruptly

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This [classified] Will Answer All Your Questions!

17 1,693 jour, 11:43 Published in Canada Canada Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Greetings from Rylde's cabinet! Seriously, he locked me in the cabinet until I did what he said. Well, I'm sick and tired of it! So I thought I revealed all of the secret stuff we've been working on! What do you think of me now, dictator? *evil

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Around the World #7; France is Doing Something?!

9 1,692 jour, 14:00 Published in Canada Canada Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

So, how has the week passed in the New World? Who has made progress? Who has been dealt the scent of defeat? Find out in this week's edition of Around the World!


The Hundred-Hour War

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