If I Was Your PotUS...

Day 1,707, 16:51 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

Amidst all the chaos and confusion, there's one thing that's clear: America's current government wishes to strengthen relations with Spain and Brazil, forming a powerful alliance that is quite formidable. That's the real reason behind America's hatred-fueled attack on Canada. By conquering their northern neighbors, they can return Spain's colonies that they have held onto for quite some time. Sure, it's an interesting plan. But is this the right move? Here, I'll split this article into two parts, one where I'm Evry, and the other where I'm a new president after Evry's impeachment/the August 5th elections.

So what do I do if I'm Evry? To be honest, there's not much I can do. I've already burned the USA-Canada bridges, so I can't accept peace without coming off as weak and spineless. At this point, my best move is to continue in the new direction of allying with Spain and Brazil. Because I've already attacked a Terra member, I must assume that all Terran members are unwilling to trust me, so therefore I have made the best of an awful situation. I would try to continue improving relations with other non-TEDEN nations, eventually allying with Poland and forming the Ctrl alliance that seemed to fall apart. Although I wouldn't be liked amongst Terran and EDEN nations, I would have successfully gained 100/100 bonuses while only having to deal with Mexican and Canadian rebels.

I would eventually move away from any friendly relations I had with France and help Poland and Spain secure their bonuses, as well as Brazil and their mini-empire in the south. With three strong allies all with 100/100 bonuses, anything but a full, united attack on us would fail, as Terra would be too weak, ONE too out of the way, and EDEN unwilling to face us alone. Without major enemies around us sans Russia, I'm free to support my allies without the fear of anyone invading. Life is good.

Of course, that's if I was Evry. But assume that I'm a new president. My moves would be much different. With a new level of opportunities that wouldn't exist if I was Evry, I can try to make the best of both worlds. My first move would be to quickly end the war with Canada and apologize for my predecessor's actions, thereby fixing the Brolliance, as many citizens even within America dislike the war. Whereas as Evry I would look like a two-timing backstabber for going back on previous actions, as a new president I would appear to be the problem solver. I would continue attempting to be friends with the Spaniards and Brazilians, but not shut off communications with TEDEN nations either. Instead, I would offer a union with Japan, which is pretty much an American puppet already. This would give the resources America needs to give back Spanish colonies without harm, and would give Japan a much larger force to protect itself. It would also provide America with borders with Asia, giving it more options in case a rogue nation challenged my authority.

If I desired, I could also convince a peace offering between my new mini-alliance of Spain and Brazil with Terra, preventing Russia from storming in with vodka-based weaponry. While it's true that Spain has shaky relations with Terran nations, in the past they were a very sound ally to Terra. Although Spain and Poland are strong allies, I could work to either get France out of Terra or to get Spoland separated. Either way, this would result in a strong relation with the nation I chose, either getting Poland as an ally or a much stronger France and Spain in Europe as my friends. Poland is powerful, yes, but not invincible, and would be unable to defeat France with America, Russia, and Spain working against them.

No matter which nation I chose, the net result would be a friendly Canada instead of a bitter Canada bent on annoying the hell out of me, all of Mexico, which poses no threat on its own, both Spain and Russia as allies, as well as either Poland as an ally or as a much weaker enemy, 100/100 bonuses with only one real RW threat (Japan is relatively weak), and a path to keep an eye on a suddenly much weaker China, all while maintaining global respect that Evry has unfortunately lost. A 100/100 nation with three or four superpower allies AND no enemies that can hurt me sounds nice, doesn't it?

Until next time, take care!

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