Weekly Power Rankings #9; The Battle Between Bros

Day 1,706, 01:48 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

Welcome to another edition of the eRepublik Power Rankings! Here are the rules; the efforts of the top five countries this week will be recognized, and the five worst performances will be mocked, no exceptions! Countries are recognized for many things, including successful defending, securing strong alliances, and, of course, conquering rivals. Without further ado, let's begin!

Updated as of 18:30 New World Time, Day 1,705

RK (Last)


1 (L2) Indonesia

Blessed with a mammoth empire, Indonesia finally put its ridiculous advantage to use, absolutely crushing Australia, which found itself weak after using all its resources in a Pyrrhic victory in the first round. Although Australia celebrated the first defense, Indonesia turned the tables quickly, capturing all of the Australian outback along with their kiwi allies in the south. With one less enemy to deal with, Indonesia is poised to conquer all of Oceania.

Week rating: 9.6/10

2 (NR) Croatia

When Croatia falls, everything crumbles around it. As it had before, the Croats seemed to lose their energy after a few successful captures on the Balkan peninsula, but after a defeat, it seemed that Serbia would soon defeat Croatia before reclaiming all its fallen property. But Croatia pulled out a victory in South Dalmatia, defending its last holding, before pushing the Serbs back, saving Italy, Greece, and Bosnia, at least for this week. A very heart-stopping week turned out very good for Croatia.

Week rating: 9.1/10

3 (NR) Estonia

Estonia fell, but their ally Latvia helped revive their comrade, and Estonia did its part to rebuild its empire back to a decent 3 provinces. While their Finnish adversaries still pose a threat, Estonia is in much better shape than before thanks to the backup of their allied nations. While as a Finn supporter I dislike the bright and pale blue Estonia is represented as, it is still impressive for the nation to return so quickly to some level of respectability.

Week rating: 8.3/10

4 (NR) Greece

There may be no such thing as a free lunch, but free provinces are always appreciated. Greece took advantage of a very big Croatian distraction and captured the region of Naples and all the provinces inside it, helping their Italian brethren push Serbia out of Rome. Greece also is set up to pierce straight into Serbia by going through Montenegro. Though it will be much more difficult for the Greeks to enter Serbia than the relative cakewalk through Italy, they're bringing lots of momentum into the battle.

Week rating: 7.6/10

5 (NR) Italy

The tag-team duo of Italy and Greece worked well, with both sides receiving accolades this week. As mentioned prior, Italy had a relatively easy time reclaiming their long-lost provinces, but if progress is handed on a silver platter, so be it. Now, with Slovenia hesitant to attack and Italy with 2 oil regions to fund weapon manufacturers, what the Italians have sorely lacked for many months, Italy is poised to give aid to its allies in any way possible. While it's unlikely Italy will get into the trenches themselves, they are set to make a good supporting role.

Week rating: 7.5/10

Honorable Mentions: Bulgaria, Canada


Just barely good enough: Cyprus, Portugal

B5 (1) France

The French reconquest of le sud de l'Angleterre was successful, but afterward the pieces started falling apart. While none of the problems spelled disaster individually, the combination could mean the worst for France. First was the aggressive revolts of the Brits. While not good at defending their own land, Britain is very skilled at reclaiming their provinces, recently capturing Londres. The other issue is Poland's attack. Though France has looked much healthier as of late, the French are simply inferior to the Poles, with fewer troops and less support with most men in Croatia and Canada. Things don't look good for the Frenchies.

Week rating: 3.3/10

B4 (B4) USA

Those Yankees never learn, do they? I won't lie when I say that I may be a little bit biased, but nothing's gone right for the Americans. While their nation is as large as ever, their nation has taken major damage in other ways. They've lost both the respect of their fellow nations and their citizens. The Americans have lost all of their Terran allies, and it's apparent that there is internal turmoil as well, leading up to an utterly humiliating loss in their Canadian campaign, in what some folks are calling the Miracle at Manitoba. Attacking yet again after a peace offer destroyed what was left of their respectability, something no nation can live without.

Week rating: 2.9/10

B3 (5) Finland

Finland beat Lv. 1, but upon losing in Lv. 2, they forgot how they beat the first level. After an impressive sweep of inferior Estonia, the Finns were all but set to conquer Latvia as well and gain a border with Lithuania, the final member of ABC. But t'was not their destiny, as Latvia simply outmatched them, knocking Finnish troops back across the Gulf of Finland. Yes, Finland lost ALL of its captures that it worked to attain in a mere week. And with both hostile nations bordering them, Finland will need the support it has not received to hold back their adversaries and keep them at bay.

Week rating: 2.4/10

B2 (B2) Serbia

The collapse of the Serbian Empire continues! Serbia both lost Italy and the best chance it had at recovering from the massive rebellions. While Serbia had a magnificent opportunity to close out Croatia and head towards reunification, the Serbs couldn't finish the job, letting the Croats recover, setting back any chance for success for another week. If this keeps up, Serbia could be reduced to its original borders very soon, once thought to be impossible but now a very real possibility. Serbia needs wins, and needs them now.

Week rating: 1.5/10

B1 (2) Australia

Perhaps the biggest loser in the USA-Canada war as outside parties are concerned with is Australia. Following the brilliant defense of its northern shores, a wipe of Indonesia was unlikely, but a status quo seemed a very likely event. But with most Terran support directed at Canada, the Aussies were hung out to dry, and without the troops they needed, Indonesia quickly crushed the southern nation, wiping it and its people. Not only does this affect the Aussies themselves, but this gives Indonesia the tools needed to invade other nations.

Week rating: 0/10


Welcome back: Netherlands, United Kingdom, Estonia

Sayonara: Albania, Portugal, Australia, Peru, Paraguay

Other notable events:

Some idiot bought me 300 subs (no thanks, I like grinding for subs)
America signs an MPP with Spain, further alienating them from Terra
Belarus and Lithuania start a training war
Rumors of a new feature on Monday spread
'Guess that song' premiers tomorrow at the end of the Around the World

Japanese Music
Mainstream Music
Video Game Music

Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself... that is coffee.

The Fragrance of Dark Coffee

Recommendation: 10/10

Until next time, take care!

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