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Spreading the Labour message

The Truth, Plain and Simple.

14 Día 762, 10:44 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Hello good citizens of eIreland.

I’m orangejuicemmm.....yes I know it’s a stupid name 😡
But that’s beside the fact.

[img][/img] … leer más »

Looks like I can pick a wiener.

14 Día 757, 07:12 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

(purposly spelt wrong)

Well I divert your attention to my previous article "Endorsement" This article was written by me just outlining who I felt was best up for the job of being PP in each Party and It looks like you all felt the same.

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I died....for a few seconds.

13 Día 756, 10:37 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Just another eRepublik Glich I'd like to show you guys heh
Any one else have this problem?

It seems I lost all wellnes for about a Min or two.


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19 Día 755, 14:59 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Hello fellow citizens or eIreland.

I decided to make a change from the usual unbias articles acknowledging all PP Candidates as equals as come on lets face it their not. This will not be any official article just my own assestment and agreement

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Christmas in eRep.....follow up

5 Día 753, 07:17 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

So after my recent article "Christmas in eRep" I received a lot of positive feedback so It looks like this will go ahead....All we need now is A date and time.

Unfortunately I have exams this week so my comp time will be limited 🙁 So

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