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Spreading the Labour message

Christmas in eRep.

22 Día 751, 15:42 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Dear Fellow eRepers of Ireland, I am orangejuicemm and I am a Christmas enthusiast 😃 I love Christmas more than most, Just love it and well this will be my first ever Christmas in eRep with you guys.

So I propose we all get together on #ireland

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Super Alliance

3 Día 747, 06:04 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

The term super Alliance in eRep refers to a bunch of countries together under one name, with one goal and ideals. There have been many of these "Super Alliances" so far throughout eRepublik, Some I have witnessed Peak and then crash,

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The story.

10 Día 738, 10:52 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

So I've decided for the Lulz to make a story using citizen and org names as main characters.
Its just an idea lets see if it works.

Alive and Dead, Orgs and citizens will come together in this article. It will be done in parts, If you like what

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The story

3 Día 737, 14:57 Publicado en USA USA

So I've decided for the Lulz to make a story using citizen and org names as main characters.
Its just an idea lets see if it works.

Alive and Dead, Orgs and citizens will come together in this article. It will be done in parts, If you like what

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Give us a go

5 Día 734, 12:05 Publicado en USA USA

Hello US of A, My names orangejuicemmm, and I live in eIreland.

Today as you may have noticed eIreland attacked you 😃 heh, fortunately for you it’s just a training war haha. It began roughly 3 hours ago give or take a few mins. There has been a

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