Looks like I can pick a wiener.

Day 757, 07:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

(purposly spelt wrong)

Well I divert your attention to my previous article "Endorsement" This article was written by me just outlining who I felt was best up for the job of being PP in each Party and It looks like you all felt the same.


Each of the candidates I picked got through, okay so there were a few obvious candidates in the mix but People like Biffo3000 in saoirse was up against some tough opponents Like Gleb2006 and Jaroxs21 who both just narrowly missed out. Fortunately Biffo3000 a great candidate got through.

The eIrish Republican Party

Also There was a tough race in the eIRP and once again my endorsment came through on experience alon, Well done don.squire. You will do great things for the party.

An Lucht Oibre - Labour

Next Brian boru, Brian was losing this race at the beginning fortunately he had votes stored and once they logged in Brian took the lead and finally winning the PP seat, I also noticed the presence - 123.08% makes you wonder doesn't it anyway Looking forward to seeing what you plan to do with this party, already a name change and new picture.

Independant Voices

Then Edana savage another one of my edorsments led from the very beginning clearly showing her popularity and ability if people so eagerly vote for her. Im sure she'll do a savage job 😉 heh.

Irish Social Democrats

ISD is up next with Ian winning by a huge majority, his opponent thomas page only receiving 5 vote out of 29 leaving Ian with 24 votes in total, Lets hope he can keep up the good work.

Liberal Party of Ireland

Alex Darky took the lead against ioo5 gunboy only beating him buy 1 vote.

The Irish Radical Party

Kit Fisto won the IRP race with flying colours, his opponent only receiving one vote, This is a great win for him. lets hope he does as good as job as he did when he was MoD.

All the rest of the parties had only 1 candidate in them so only a true Idiot could of got them wrong.

Hard Luck to all other candidates.

Thanks for reading.
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Also sorry for the low resolution photo's.