The Truth, Plain and Simple.

Day 762, 10:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm
Hello good citizens of eIreland.

I’m orangejuicemmm.....yes I know it’s a stupid name 😡
But that’s beside the fact.

So why am I writing this? I don't know. I guess this is my manifesto but it’s also much more. To be honest I don't really know myself very well. I have been in tonnes of parties I began my eLife in IUP, Do not have a clue why, and to this day don't know what they believe in...just went cause it was the largest party, didn't really have any Ideals on politics sure I had just turned 15, Why would I care about that type of stuff? My parents well are ignorant when it comes to politics just about getting off their arses to vote. Kind of annoys me how that power is wasted but what can I do. I was in Saoirse and then I co-founded the eIRP with Padraig_Pearse probably my best eFriend at the time, I liked his free spirit, I guess his don’t care attitude, his down to earth style, how he just didn't care as it was only a game. To be honest I wanted to be like him, I wanted tonnes of GOLD to start companies as I pleased and didn't care who I scammed to get it but this was not to be....I don't know why it wasn't for me, maybe I just didn't have the balls or maybe it turned out I had a conscience.

The eIRP

Well what Can I say? I founded it based on Ideals which weren’t my own, I really couldn't give two shits if we got the north "back", As I said I didn't have any ideals of the time, I was like a sheep.

Following the urge to make a name for my self, I thought the eIRP was the way to do this but the main reason for my contribution in the eIRP was for experience and to have my name on something, I am now in the history of the eIRP. So I guess I have been lying to you all, and for this I’m sorry, I am especially sorry to the members of the eIRP as I feel I Lied to you and used your dedication for my better. So this is why I have decided to leave the eIRP for good. I will pass over the org, the new forums I started to people who believe in fighting for the north and its return. I am sorry.

I have always been unsure about politics as well I don't really know who can be trusted or who is for real. I guess its kind of Ironic why the very reason I am unsure of my Ideals is because of what I have been doing to the members of the eIRP. I am still unsure.I support communism but want to be rich and have loads of GOLD, I believe in treating the people, right but why should all people be treated the same when they aren’t, I’m an independent thinker but I also feel we need a large group of people with the same Ideals to accomplish something important.

I’m quite stuck as to were to go from now so I have decided on moving to the Labour Party in the hope that I develop further and experience new Ideals which may help me pin point my Ideals, I know I have them but putting them to paper or saying out load is the hard part. My Independent Voices is the place for me but it just doesn't feel right.

Maybe I will start a new party, I may join an old party, right now I don't know what I’m doing, I’m just browsing I suppose. Its quite annoying seeing people have their minds set and fixed on a certain goal just like sometimes I wished I believed in god maybe to fit in as most of my RL friends are Christians or just to have something to believe in but the truth of the matter is I don't, I don't believe in god and I don't know what my Ideals are.

So manifesto....em well the congress election are coming up and Im planning on running in Independent voices or Saoirse as Im already a member of the forums. Im just gonna tell you know that I will be leaving the party after the elections and I understand the PP's don't owe me anything but they do owe the country, I don't know how I can emphasis this enough but 3 or 4 active and dedicated congress members from your party are better than 7 or 8 non active, It is about the country after all. So which ever party I am gonna run in just remember that, I am dedicated and active, I love this country and will do all in my power to help it. I was elected once but was out done in the last elections by organisation more than anything as well the southeast have f**k all voters. I will work for the country, I have worked for the country and will do it again. So befor you look at me as someone who is using votes for myself just know that is not what I intend to do, So please do not be Bias against me and give votes to people who may not work as hard as for this country.

I have worked with some of the best citizens in eIreland, I have watched them and I have learnt from them.

This article still isn't really getting at anything and well it won’t be, I just wanted to write something and well I felt it was time to tell the good people of eIreland what I was really Like.

I suppose that’s it, emm hope you enjoyed I guess but I don't see how you can get much enjoyment out of this random and inconvenient article. If you like vote, if you don't like it, don't vote very simple.

Thanks for reading if you did.
Comments would be nice.