
Day 755, 14:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Hello fellow citizens or eIreland.

I decided to make a change from the usual unbias articles acknowledging all PP Candidates as equals as come on lets face it their not. This will not be any official article just my own assestment and agreement with several of the PP candidates running this month, from all parties not just my own and favourites.

The eIrish Republican Party

So we begin...

Let me start with the eIRP (my party) i was a founder of this party so it means alot to me and would only be content if I see it being led by a noble and extremely prominent member of soceity so with that I would be backing don.squire if I was too back any. I worked with don.squire when this party was a young party he, along with others helped the party progress and develop to 50 members with a good few active mmebers on the forums so he would be the man I would and will be backing.

Independant Voices

Now onto IV...I have been in IV twice once when I left Irelands First and when I left eIRP. Digits has been a long friend of mine and the founder of this party, he was PP for the last term now he has let go of the reigns and is now being followed up by some great candidates, personally I would back Edana Savage. Edana has been active fin eIreland from the beginning of her eBirth and i snow one of the most respected figures in out soceity. She was the wonam behind the MoNC and ran it for two terms without and hiccups, we owe alot to this woman and that is why I would back her in these elections.

The Irish Union Party

Now to the leading party in Ireland the IUP, well the IUP what can I say...It has probably been the most enfluential party in eIreland, was founded by the great Vyse and has been run by several of the most resepected and powerful members of eIreland including patton our e😜resident. It has been lead by Octavious Dryst for the past month and it seems it will be once again led by Octavious Dryst which just shows us he must be doing the job fantastically as the other members of the party seem to think they could not live up to his standards, Octavious also set up Q2 plus which has tonnes of satisfied costumers I being one of them, He is a hugely resepected congressman and Ceann Comhairle.

Irish Freedom Party

Now we come to the IFP, The IFP shot out of nowhere with activity and membership, under the reign of moomoehead it expanded immensly and has kept expanding under one of the best known citizens eIreland has to offer 5n4keys, a Great businessman and Party President, Unortunately he is not running again this term, even with 5n4keys not running again this term we only have one candidate Daniel kaffe I do not know daniel kaffe so i cannot say good or bad things about the guy.


Saoirse is next, this party was founded by NiallH and clownprince but soon NiallH took the spotlight with his wonderful articles and insight into media promoting the party till it grew to an amazing size for its youth. hwne NiallH finished up his last Term and new eIrish citizen NavyII toover, NavyII was formerly a US citizen but when he moved here he was welcomed with open arms, he brought great wisdom of game mechanics and experience as he is one of the oldest players in eIreland at the moment, but now is letting the party fall into the hands of another citizen. the candidate in which I would be backing in this election is Biffo3000. Biffo3000 is a great asset to ireland and a great eFriend of mine, He brings activity, dedication and want to the table along with alot more, Biffo3000 is a work horse once he set his goals he will work tiressly till he gets them done to a high enough standard whcih he himself is satisfied wth, Biffo3000 was a key member of the old eIRP, contributing tonnes of time and effort to its cause and without him the party never would of grown to a fraction of what it became.

Irish Social Democrats

Next we have the Irish Social Democrats (ISD). This party has also contributed plenty to eIreland cause up until recently being the second Largest party in eIreland. Our President at the moment Appleman is in this party along with other key members of eIreland. Ian arbuckle has been the PP of this party for the last term, Ian has been great help to me and a great eFriend so I would back him if I was to be voting, Ian was Minister for Health and ran this with excellence much like he has done this party. He is the current Minister for Immagration, and new ministerial position in eIreland lets hope he runs this like he has all his other positions. I am sure he will do great things for ISD. He would reseive my vote.

Irish Radical Party

Next we have the Irish Radical Party founded by the now dead Severin, It was a big deal at its beginning with people like grainne helping behind the scenes but it lost popularity when severin quit the game and for the last Term it has been led by declandonaghy88 I do not know mcuh about declan and or this party but one thing i do know is one of the candidates Kit fisto, Kit fisto is another one of the great members of eIreland, he has a newspaper which had alot of critisism and support from the public of eIreland for the Poems in which he was publishing daily, He then got envolved in the Military becoming deputy Minister of Defense to Donovan Thomas a once major member of eIreland soceity so he was sure too learn a few things or too from this man, but when he Left Kit fisto filled his shoes expertly, contributing to the organisation of IDF and The Master Plan, The party is sure to be safe with Kit behind the wheel. I would give my vote to Kit.

Farcri's Party

Now onto Farcri's Party, this party is a little less known throughout eIreland. It is a small party but the candidate list looks promising, Brian Boru is up for the Race, Brian was a huge and influential member of eIreland in his day unfortunately his joke revolution left him branded a traitor and untrustworthy, it now looks like he iwll be TOing this party rather than paying the 40 gold, We will need to keep a close eye on this party in the future as it is sure to be contraversial with BB running it. Even still I would vote for BB as he was my mentor for a good while and also very intelligent.

Millitant Homosexual Alliance

Next we have Millitant Homosexual Alliance, As party which was once IF but was TOed unfortunately, the PP at the moment is Alex Darky as former president of IFP, he Is also a Field Marshall one of Irelands few, So I would revote him in again this term.

Jacobite Confederation

Finally but certainly not least we have the Jacobite Confederation the newest party on the block led by Dan Murchadh who is the only candidate as expected, I do not know much about Dan but what I do know he is active and smart and I wish the party best of luck in the future.

And with that i conclude my endorsments for PP from all the different parties in eIreland, I'm extremyl tired after this so please read, vote and shout out. Thank you.
I wish all candidates the best of luck tomorrow.
