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Economic Statement

11 Day 301, 23:20 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Gentlemen and Ladies i've been approached by several members of the Spanish government about reopening relations with them economically speaking. Other treaties with them will come later.

In a related area I wish to ask congress and the populace

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Written Statement

4 Day 297, 10:23 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Ladies and Gentlemen I have recently donated 15 of my own hard earned Gold into the Czech Economy in hopes of obtaining a hospital in the near future and improving our economy.

We may be ranked 25th overall but the only thing keeping us down is

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Presidential Address

6 Day 296, 17:16 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Greetings ladies and gentlemen, this isn’t an address to congress, this is going to be my personal statement for the future of this country.

After becoming president, I refuse to be called a Tsar; my feelings about the way the country was turning

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4 Day 296, 12:31 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Greetings, I was recently offered an interview by a citizen from Portugal, Its a little rough in the editing department but I feel like its something everyone should see regardless.

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Presidential Congress - Address #3

27 Day 293, 12:48 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Ladies and Gentlemen this will be quick since I am currently in between classes

-The Anthem ends and President Ivan Hat walks into the congressional meeting and begins his quick speech-

I would like to discuss the economic and militaristic

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