Economic Statement

Day 301, 23:20 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Gentlemen and Ladies i've been approached by several members of the Spanish government about reopening relations with them economically speaking. Other treaties with them will come later.

In a related area I wish to ask congress and the populace what they feel about raising our OTHER country's economic import taxes and removing Indonesia from that list entirely. We get little importations from indonesia and i feel like we should give special treatment to them for not selling anything to us. I wish to increase the trade income with the other nations to meet our other import tax range of 70%. The Spanish foreign diplomated stated we should give a 10% decrease in taxes every week until 40% is reached.

Overall it will be a 30% increas on our friendly imports but we need to take control over our own economy and increase our own products on the market. This will allow our friendly trading partners a viable economic market with lower prices and higher pay checks and it will benefit our own needs for not flooding our market with foreign goods.