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First Q4 Hospital

8 Day 314, 13:27 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Ladies and Gentlemen I come to you with good news.

Thanks to my tax plan, the buying of gold, and the gracious donations from a select few individuals we have acquired our FIRST Quality Four Hospital! It is located in the City of Brno and we are

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Parrot The Slanderer

21 Day 313, 21:33 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Ladies and Gentlemen I come to you today with some sad news.

I will no longer support my Vice President Parrot because he has been reduced to Slandering me as an opponent. He has taken his gloves off and started throwing the crudest mess I have

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Apologies and Explaination.

8 Day 311, 12:42 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Greetings ladies and gentlemen you all know my name and I wish to talk to you all as equals today. Not as the President of your nation but as a Leader who needs to explain him and the situation our nation is in.

Yes our nation, statistically, is

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Issues and the CPC

1 Day 310, 15:58 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Ivan Hat and I come to you today with my son and partner H.W. Hat to discuss the growing political spectrum in our society.

As you can see our nation’s election period has begun and the harsh words are

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Presidential Statement - Taxes

11 Day 309, 13:55 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Greetings ladies and gentlemen, it has been a long time since I have talked to you recently but the recent announcements by my Vice President’s party have forced me to push this statement out.

Let me tell you how economies work and how important

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