Presidential Address

Day 296, 17:16 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Greetings ladies and gentlemen, this isn’t an address to congress, this is going to be my personal statement for the future of this country.

After becoming president, I refuse to be called a Tsar; my feelings about the way the country was turning became painfully obvious. Our top political leaders were being silent; they refused to communicate frequently to you, the public, and were damaging our reputation across seas and borders. When I became president I wanted to change things, like I’ve said before I feel we need to reach out to other nations and alliances rather than spam and troll them.

I’ve been getting in contact with several PEACE members and Atlantis members hoping to create a balance in our nation and the world in hopes of separating ourselves from the past differences. This has been done for two reasons, to re-open old relationships and to create new ones. Since this administration has stated it is Neutral in the past and our militaristic strength is relatively low, I feel like we need to express our desire for protection as well, in order to get to that next level of diplomacy we need to survive in the first place. We’re one of the smallest nations in the world and one of the weakest. Unfortunately for the moment our strength seems to be holding us back from truly advancing in the world so we must explore the MPP route.

My plan is to make the eCzech Republic into the Real World Switzerland, a nation that remains neutral in times of war regardless of the changing of tides. A nation that stands strong with everyone and can act as a mediatory nation in times where Conflict is on the rise or a Conflict Resolution Treaty is needed. I feel we can get to this point and at this rate we probably will. What I need right now is not just the support from the other nations of the eWorld but also support from you, my Citizens and friends, with you we can make this dream come true.

Train daily, there are gift bombers around, and I have been receiving PM’s about acquiring our nation’s first Hospital. The worst of times are behind us, we must look forward for our own sake’s and the world’s.