Presidential Statement - Taxes

Day 309, 13:55 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Greetings ladies and gentlemen, it has been a long time since I have talked to you recently but the recent announcements by my Vice President’s party have forced me to push this statement out.

Let me tell you how economies work and how important they are for governments to function. Taxes are put on goods, taxes are put on salaries, taxes are put on imports and exports. Where do these taxes go? They go back into the government. What do these taxes do to you as a citizen? Practically nothing. My rival party claims that these taxes are stealing from you. They claim that these taxes are stealing from your hard earned work, where you’re supposed to make 34 CZK instead of 33 or 30CZK. Ladies and gentlemen we are still in inflation. There are huge piles of money on the market, salaries are REDICULOUSLY high, and prices are generally higher than most places on the eWorld. These Taxes are what is helping this government get out of this inflation.

You are not losing anything because of these taxes. You are Gaining a stronger nation. Sacrificing 1-3 CZK isn’t going to prevent you from obtaining a new fancy house. Not having an additional 1-3 CZK is not somehow going to prevent you from eating every day. The Slavic Party claims that my government is stealing from you and is flooding the media in order to “prove” their points.

Do not believe their empty words and listen to the man who has been working in Erepublik since November 30th last year. I was a businessman first before I became a politician. I was a worker in a strict economy in Pakistan before I became a businessman. I was a dirt poor follower of Dio before that. I know what it truly means to feel cheated and undercut in this world and I assure you the situation we are in now can NOT that case. You are living in a growing economy, one that is becoming stronger by the day.

When I first became President the value of the CZK was close to 200CZK per Gold, now it is around 120 CZK per gold! Salaries have RISEN since I became President. Our status in the world has also RISEN. We are closer to having Hospitals in 2 out of three of our territories than we have ever been in the history of our nation. You can thank me and my vice president for that. What my vice president doesn’t want you to know is that you can also thank out TAXES for this glory. Our TAXES are what is bringing in enough CZK to buy the gold which will allow us to buy a hospital. Without taxes we would never be this close to buying a hospital and would have to completely rely on your donations. And obviously the majority of you don’t want to do that so the taxes are doing the job.

The taxes are stealing from you, the government is not cheating you, this President is looking out for you, and this President will lead us into the future glory of the Czech Republic. Thank you and God Bless the Czech Republic