Apologies and Explaination.

Day 311, 12:42 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Greetings ladies and gentlemen you all know my name and I wish to talk to you all as equals today. Not as the President of your nation but as a Leader who needs to explain him and the situation our nation is in.

Yes our nation, statistically, is worse off than it was when I first became President. Our nation has dropped several ranks recently, not on the whole, but recently. This was a sudden turn in events and my political rivals were quick to jump on the situation as primarily my fault and that it was avoidable. Truth is the world in not completely Black And White. The Truth is I AM partially to blame for these recent developments. But it is unfair to call my presidency a down turn in our Nation’s history. I have made developments nationally and internationally that will benefit us in the future.

*My tax plan which favors the people AND the government.

*Our status in the world as a developing neutral state, separate from the power’s political differences but at the same attempting to bridge the cultural and economic gap.

*Attempting to Unify our nation even with our growing differences and remove the negativity from our political system.

But I will agree that I had the wrong plan when I first came into office.

*I attempted to lower the Citizen fee in order to reduce the strain on the government’s pockets, assuming that the salaries and prices of food would be enough.

*I also assumed that high taxes would solve the nation’s Inflation by bringing in more money which I could burn and reduce the amount of CZK on the market.

*I also underestimated the power of the Polish people had on our nation. My party alone lost 40-50 people within the last two weeks, and the nation as a whole lost 50 more.

The last statement is what my political rivals refuse to acknowledge however; when we lose 100 Active citizens in less than half a month: our productivity, our economy, our political and societal activity plummets. This is the primary reason why we have lost our Country’s ranks this past week.

My plan IS making headway on a national level but my presidency cannot be summed up with the situation we are in right now. I have contradicted myself in the past and I apologize. I realized that the main problem is that my party truly had no political platform which I could point to as the definitive goals of my Presidency and rule.

I will follow this plan from now on and I will attempt to not contradict myself in the future with this plan. People of the Czech Republic, the worst of times are behind us. Give me the chance to prove my plan when we don’t have active refugees who will leave us the second the tide changes. Give me the chance to work with the CZECH citizens. This is what the Political Coalition is about, a group of Czech political parties working together for Czech policies and not those primarily based with foreign nations.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to explain myself.