Parrot The Slanderer

Day 313, 21:33 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Ladies and Gentlemen I come to you today with some sad news.

I will no longer support my Vice President Parrot because he has been reduced to Slandering me as an opponent. He has taken his gloves off and started throwing the crudest mess I have seen in quite some time.

If I MUST I will re-explain my past. It’s in my articles but I feel like I must say what happened again. I grew disenchanted with the government and Dirty Politics of Pakistan and took several of my friends with me to China. I felt like I could turn it around since it was a small nation and with my so-called friends’ help I felt like it was possible. I set up a food company and hired Chinese employees and paid them generous wages and sold food at low prices. I gained their trust and was eventually elected Mayor of Beijing. I was very thankful and when the elections rolled around I was elected a congressman of the country.

Unfortunately one of my friends felt this was an opportune time to take over the nation. When I heard wind of this I immediately wrote about it in my newspaper that I had in China. I rallied the Chinese forces in an attempt to stand tall when war was declared on Pakistan. I stayed in China until the last territory was conquered. I stayed there was nothing left to fight for.

What Parrot is doing is tarnishing the entire Country of China’s great, although short, history. He is trying to paint me as a devil when I gave them work and food in a time when Indonesia was currently planning its own coup and restricting food supples. I was one of the shining beacons for that country and I regret to this day that my so-called friends would attempt something like that.

I guess I can be to blame, I was ignorant at the time. I didn’t know about the traveling tickets and assumed the shorter flight the less my wellness would suffer. I also never expected a political takeover was possible.

But I moved as far away as I could from Pakistan to the Czech Republic to start anew. And here I am the President of this Fine Nation. I was the one who put the Determents on our constitution in order to prevent something like China from happening again. This is also why I wish to remain neutral in this world and why I still have some fears of joining an alliance with Pakistan in it. Although I still have friends in Pakistan I know plenty of them who would jump on the chance to takeover a nation once more.

Parrot is a fear mongering and mudslinging candidate. I have never insulted his integrity or his past until this point. I will not support a person who feels it necessary to open old wounds and tarnish an entire nation.

From this Point Forward, Parrot, you are no longer my Vice President. Have a Nice Day.