Want War?

Day 816, 10:32 Published in Ireland USA by Turd Fergusen

So I heard you guys are looking for a good fight. But who will you attack?

No. they agreed to a land swap with Northern Ireland. They'll just retreat the region if you attack them. Next.

No! We've got your back like true bros should, but if you attack us, and its not war games, or if you MPP with UK, (gives us a free war with you) we could bring the hurt back on you big time. Don't make us do that. 🙁 Next.

Oh come on! Thats not even possible...keep going.

Bingo There's your war guys. Take it, or leave it. UK sucks militarily, so don't worry about RWs, and they can't be trusted. Look at what they did to the US. You don't want them as allies. They deserve to be wiped out, at least for a little bit. EDEN is dominant right now. Don't f*ck with them, help them. You'll have your war, and you get new friends out of it. 🙂

This is the only option that will result in war for Ireland, but not the whole pesky being wiped off the map thing.

Kill Redcoats with Eden! 😃