The Brolliance: Why Its Awesome (Australia)

Day 850, 16:15 Published in Australia USA by Turd Fergusen
WARNING: This article is for brolliance eyes only 😮

Recently the eUS totally f*cked up big time militarily. They messed up Croatia’s epic land bridge to Asia. Pretty much all of Eden is angry at the US especially Poland and Croatia, and rightly so, because losing against Slovenia puts their regions in danger.
There has been much unnecessary trolling and angry articles about how much American fails and are stupid ect ect you know the drill by now... True you can always find a US troll article pretty much any day but what is different this time is that the trolling is by some EDEN countries as well
In past few days, countries around the world, including EDEN countries, have been pretty hard on the US.

But alas there is hope for America! In an unfriendly world, there are enemies, there are allies, and then there are BROS!
No matter what happens, bros always got each others back!

Canada and the US have something special. A bromance if you will. Canada, the US’s true bros , would never troll and berate their bros in the manner shown by some Eden countries.

Here is typical day in a bro's life:

(its only weird if you make it weird 😉 lol)

Canada's great, but who can forget Australia? The bro down under! 😃

Australia has a similar problem as the US, that is EDEN countries are pissed off at them. Australia is in a very delicate position right now. After getting left for dead by EDEN in the battles for South Africa, Australia attacked Indonesia. Now all of EDEN is angry at Australia, some even promising not to send aid because it will only encourage such stupid behavior. Not if the brolliance has anything to say about it! Australia will not be thrown under the bus, the brolliance has Australia's back!

In conclusion, the brolliance is something special. The world and even some allied countries may be giving us sh*t, but our bromance still remains strong. Each member of the Brolliance can be counted on as a friend no matter what happens. We all have each others back no matter what happens. No other countries in the world can claim to have what US, Canada, and Australia have with each other.

As I said, there are allies, and then there are Bros!