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Q1 Moving Company for Sale. Only 11 Gold

2 Day 438, 09:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

i am selling a Q1 Moving Comany for only 11 gold.
it has 3 hard workers,
i also has about 20 unites of oil,
it is located in Northern Ireland,
and is called Northern Ireland Air.
it has 1 export License (U.K)

so if you want it or to make

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Nothern Ireland Social Benefits Office

0 Day 433, 13:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

As most people Know the first few days on erepublik can be hard. don't know where to eat, what to buy. what to do. As loads of give up and then die. because the game is hard to get into the swing of things. The Northern Ireland Social Benefits

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Running for Congress in Northern Ireland

1 Day 431, 12:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

I would like to announce that i Liam Smith am running for congress for the UK in the region of Northern Ireland for TUP. as most of you know me in NI. for the ones how don't i started about 2 months ago. and since then i have become the Abassador to

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Northern Ireland gets a Q5 hospital

3 Day 419, 13:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

for some people this is old news, but for the ones that didin't know. that Northern Ireland is the first place in eUK to get a Q5 hospital, which is brill for the people of NI. becuase they can help out with defance more and not lose much, this is

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Happy New Years

1 Day 407, 14:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

We at The Newry Times would like to wish everyone a happy New Years, may you have the best of luck for 2009, and everyone be ready for anything because you don't know whats coming our way, as the songn goes, "the furtue not ours to see"

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